Reach your business’s commercial potential and financial stability with our experienced & dedicated due diligence team!
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No, due diligence is not a mandatory provision under any law. Due Diligence is to be done by a company only when the need arises.
No, due diligence is not an audit. However, the purpose & procedure of due diligence overlaps with that of an audit. But in a real sense, due diligence is a detailed investigation that focuses on critical information.
No, due diligence is not an audit. However, the purpose & procedure of due diligence overlaps with that of an audit. But in a real sense, due diligence is a detailed investigation that focuses on critical information.
Our team shall not only assist you in assessing the main risks but also provide you with the best solutions. Our due diligence reports will highlight the findings in all the areas, along with suitable adjustments to help you achieve your desired objective. We shall help you understand the value drivers & risk associated with your business.
It usually depends on the objective of due diligence. Also, the company’s size & structure shall determine the duration of the due diligence process. Due diligence can be done in a week or can even take up to 6 months.
Speak to our experts who shall solve all your doubts.
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