Do you wish to alter your LLP agreement?
The LLP agreement is a crucial document for your limited liability partnership.
Contact one of our advisors to make a customized LLP agreement for you!
A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a business type where the liability of the partner is limited. LLP has a different legal status. Each partner is protected from their liability; also protected by the joint liability created by the other partner’s wrong business decision or misconduct. LLP Registration is ruled under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 and a separate LLP agreement has to be filed. LLP’s are required to be registered with the ROC.
A sum of Rs.100 is payable as stamp duty at the time of change in LLP agreement.
For any change in LLP agreement, consent and signature of all the partners is mandatory.
For an LLP agreement in India, the stamp paper should be brought in the name of the firm
and should include the signature of all the partners.
Once the approval from the Registrar is received, the LLP agreement will stand modified.
No, LLP agreement is not public. Only change in name and capital is reflected online on the portal.
Speak to our experts who shall solve all your doubts.
Call us at +91 7738 066 334 or Mail us at
Secretarial & Compliance
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