Physically changing your registration address is easier than changing it legally.
Our professionals can take care of the legal aspects of changing your registered address.
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"A tree begins with a seed" - Similarly, a company begins with an individual or group of individuals. The business line and objective decides which business structure is chosen, such as sole proprietorship, partnership or company. They can also be distinguished as a private company or public. Each company has its own registered office where all official connections are sent. The official address of the Incorporated Company is termed as registered address.
A company is a legal entity formed by an individual or group of individuals to operate a business. A company has many offices such as corporate office, branch office, administration office, factory and registered office. All the official connections related to the Company are sent to the registered office. So it is necessary to get the office registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The promoters decide the location of the registered office. The registered office is declared by filing INC 22. If any changes in the address after registration, then it should be intimated to ROC within 15 days.
Yes. There is no compulsion; you can register your residential property for commercial purposes.
It usually depends upon the processing time by the government but approximately 5-7 working days.
Yes, generally it is very easy and convenient. However, in a few cases it can be complex.
Step1- Login to Google Account.
Step2- Click on the Menu icon.
Step3- Click on the address field.
Step4- Enter your address and click apply.
(Note- if you have multiple locations, click on the location you want to manage.)
No, it should be situated within India.
Speak to our experts who shall solve all your doubts.
Call us at +91 7738 066 334 or Mail us at
Secretarial & Compliance
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